
RBE No.178/1985 Breakdown Allowance – Revised Rates

No.E(P&A)II-83 BDA-2, dated 25.06.1985

Sub: Breakdown Allowance payable under Rule 430-RI and concessions admissible under this Rule for Staff attending to breakdown – regarding. 

1.   The issue regarding Breakdown Allowance and other concessions admissible to the staff attending to breakdown duties was raised in the Departmental Council meeting and the Ministry of Railways have now decided that the existing rates as stipulated in Board’s letter No.PC-69/BDA/2, dated 22.12.1970 (Rule 430 R-I) should be revised as under:

S. No. Category of Staff Revised scales of pay Revised Rate of Breakdown allowances
1 Unskilled workers Rs.196-232
2 Semi-skilled Artisans Rs.210-290
3 Other Group ‘D’ Staff Rs.200-240, Rs.200-250, Rs.210-270 Rs.10.00 P.M.
4 Staff in scales and skilled workers Rs.225-308, Rs.260-400 Rs.15.00 P.M.
5 Highly skilled Artisans etc. Mistries. TXRs, etc. Rs.330-480, Rs.380-560 Rs.20.00 P.M.
6 Chargemen, TXRs, etc. Staff in higher scales and Supervisory staff Rs.425-700, Rs.550-750 and above Rs.25.00 P.M.

The revised rates will have effect from 01.07.1985

2.  All other existing terms and conditions and the provisions in Rule 430-RI remain unchanged.

3.  In the Departmental Council (Railways) of the Joint Consultative Machinery meeting the staff side have complained about the quality of food supplied at the site of the accident. The Ministry of Railways would like to reiterate the earlier instructions issued on the subject from time to time that the food supplied at the site of the accidents should not only be wholesome and nourishing but also of a good standard and of adequate quantity, keeping in view the nature of work involved at the site of the accident.        

4.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5.   Necessary Code Correction incorporating the revised rates of Breakdown Allowance will be issued in due course. 


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