
RBE No. 21/2000: Pension – Post 01.01.2006 Pensioners

No.F(E)III/99/PN 1/12, dated 08.02.2000

Sub: Revision of pension in respect of Post 01.01.1996 pensioners.

There are instances where certain categories of posts were granted revised pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.1996 which were later improved also w.e.f. 01.01.1996. Pay scales of Artisans Grade-I and General Managers may be cited as illustrative references in this regard.

As a consequence, it has come to notice that in a few cases, while prefixing the pay in the higher revised scales, there is a downward revision in the basic pay, with the result that the amount of pension/ family pension in cases of retirements during the period also undergoes reduction in such cases.

In terms of Rule 90 of Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993, pension once sanctioned after final assessment shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the Railway servant unless such revision becomes necessary on account of detection of clerical error subsequently.

In view of this rule position, it is clarified that in respect of those Railway servants who retired on or after 01.01.1996 and for whom pension has been sanctioned based on the revised scale of pay initially allotted, and subsequently their pay was re-fixed downwards in a higher replacement scale of pay, the pension originally figured should not be reduced even if the basic pay undergoes reduction since such cases cannot be treated as cases of clerical error.


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