
IREM Vol-I Chapter-I: Recruitment, Training, Confirmation and Re-employment

Section Subject
Section A Training Of Officers 
Section B Rules For The Recruitment And Training Of Group ‘C’ And Group ‘D’ And Workshop Staff 
Section C Employment Of Tuberculosis, Pleurisy And Leprosy Patients In The Indian Railway Services
Section D Verification Of Character And Antecedents Before Appointment And Exclusion From Government Service
Section F Confirmation
Section G Extension Of Service To Or Re-Employment Of Railway Servants

IREM Vol-I, Chapter-I, Section-A: Training of Officers

IREM Rule No.101: General:-

The Probationers recruited to the 9 organized Railway services, viz.
(i) Indian Railway Service of Engineers, (IRSE),
(ii) Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers (IRSME),
(iii) Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE),
(iv) Indian Railway Stores Service (IRSS),
(v) Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE),
(vi) Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS),
(vii) Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS),
(viii) Indian Railway Accounts Services (IRAS),
(ix) Indian Railway Medical Service, and to the Department of Railway Protection Force shall undergo sandwich type of training on line and at the various Railway Institutes and Institute of repute outside the Railways (as applicable) for the first two years, except in the case of probationers of Medical Service where the period of training shall be 3 months only as under:-

3 (three) days Central Hospital of the zone for 3 days under Chief Hospital Supdt./ Central Hospital.
45 (forty five) days In the Headquarters Hospital or in a large Divisional Hospital in Clinical Ward/ OT duties. The probationer, officers must be encouraged to deal with the cases individually under the supervision of a Senior Medical Officer.  The trainee must also attend to regular O.P.D. sessions to gain competence in dealing with cases of a large variety. Administrative training should also be imparted properly.
10 (ten) days On completion of the period of training in a hospital as above, the trainees shall be deputed to work in a Health Unit, outside the headquarters (Zonal or divisional) and should participate in all the curative, preventive and promotional aspects of health care.  As far as possible during this period, the probationary officers shall work on their own under the advice and guidance as required from the Medical Officer incharge of the Health Unit. Administrative training also to be imparted by Incharge. Training should be imparted properly under proper guidance.
2 (two) days Final assessment CAOs office. Suitability should be assessed before being put on a working post and if need be the period of training can be further extended. During these two days, the probationary officers shall be subjected to a detailed assessment of their adequacy to hold independent charge.
One month At the Railway Staff College, Vadodara for orientation course whenever the same is arranged.
[Authority: Ministry of Railways letter No.91/E(GR)II/7/19, dated 18.12.1991 (ACS No. 4)]

The Probationers of all the services other than Indian Railway Medical Service shall undergo 8 weeks Foundational Course at Railway Staff College, Vadodara, at the first available opportunity after joining the Railways, in which they will be introduced to various facts of Railway working. The Foundational Course will be common to probationers of all services. After attending the Foundational Course, the probationers shall undergo field training in sheds, Depots, Yards, Workshops, Divisional Office, Head-quarters Office, Production Units, etc. and specialize training in other Railway Training Institutions und Institutes of repute outside the Railways (as applicable).
After adequate field training, probationers of all services excepting Indian Railway Medical Service shall undergo 6 weeks Induction Course at Railway Staff College, Vadodara. This induction course shall be different for probationers of different services. In the Induction Course they shall be given detailed knowledge regarding the working of their own Department, interaction with allied Department and financial rules, procedures etc. While probationers of Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS), Indian Railway Stores Service (IRSS), Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS) and Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) shall undergo Induction Course during two years probationary training, the probationers of Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers (IRSME), Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineering (IRSEE) shall undergo Induction Course from working post in the 3rd year of their probation.

IREM Rule No.102: Monitoring/ Co-ordination of Probationary Training:-

Two years probationary training of following services be centrally co-ordinated/ monitored by the Institute/ Railway as indicated against each:-

Service Institution/ Railway for centrally  co-ordination/ monitoring of probationary training
Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE) Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering, Pune.
Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS) Railway Staff College, Vadodara.
Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS) -Do-
Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) -Do-
Indian Railway Stores Services (IRSS) -Do-
Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineer (IRSME) (both Engineering Graduates recruited as probationers and Special Class Railway Apprentices) South Eastern Railway, Kharagpur.
Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE) Indian Railways Institute of Engineering & Tele-Communications, Secunderabad.
Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineering (IRSEE) Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering, Nasik.

IREM Rule No.103: Schedule of Probationary Training:-

Probationers of all services excepting Indian Railway Medical Services (IRMS) shall undergo two years Probationary training as per schedules of training laid down by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) from time to time.

IREM Rule No.104:Maintenance of Dairy etc. by Probationers:-

During the two years period of probationary training probationers shall maintain a Diary to indicate their day to day activity which shall be checked periodically by the Training Director; during probation.

IREM Rule No.105: Confirmation after Probationary Training:-

No Probationer shall be confirmed in junior scale unless he/she has successfully passed all the examinations prescribed after completion of institutional training as well as all the departmental examinations prescribed.

IREM Rule No.106: Determination of Seniority of Group ‘A’ Probationers of Different Services in Junior Scale after their Confirmation:-

The performance of Group ‘A’ probationers during the probationary training and during their posting against working post will be evaluated and marks will be awarded for each item of probationary training and for the performance while working against working posts. The maximum marks for different items of probationary training and of their performance against working posts will be laid down by the Ministry of Railways, Railway Board from time to time. The inter-se-seniority of Group ‘A’ probationers of particular examination batch and of a particular service on their confirmation to junior scale, will be decided on the basis of marks obtained by them during the probationary period as indicated above and marks obtained by them in U.P.S.C. Competition for during the apprenticeship training for Special Class Railway Apprentices.

IREM Rule No.107: Departmental Examinations:-

All the Departmental Examinations will be conducted by the Institutes where the probationary training has been centralised. Following Departmental Examinations of the Gorup ‘A’ probationers of different services will be conducted by the different Institutes/ Railways as under:-

Service Departmental Examinations To be conducted by
(1) (2) (3)

(Engg. graduates & SCRAs)

I, II & III South Eastern Railway
I.I.R.S.E.E. -Do- IRIEEN/Nasik
I.R.S.S.E. -Do- IRISET/ Secunderabad
I.R.S.S. -Do- R.S.C./Vadodara
I.R.T.S. -Do- -Do-
I.R.A.S. -Do- -Do-
I.R.P.S. I & II -Do-

The Departmental Examinations will consist of written test and viva voce examination.

IREM Rule No.108: Number of chances of Passing Institutional or Departmental Examinations:-

No probationer shall be allowed to re-appear in any institutional or departmental examination except for the following reasons:-

(a) If a probationer is prevented from appearing in any examination either because of his/her sickness or any other reason beyond his/her control, he/she may be allowed to appear in a special examination within three months.
(b) In case of probationer does not pass any Institutional or Departmental Examination in the first attempt, he/she may be allowed to sit for re-examination in the papers in which he/she has failed. But in that case, the marks awarded to probationer in such re-examination shall not be taken into account in determining the seniority (his/her score in the original examination only shall be counted).

The exemption in (b) above shall also apply to the probationer who have been permitted to take special examination in the circumstances mentioned in (a) above.
If a probationer fails to pass second examination (b) above his/her services are likely to be terminated.

IREM Rule No.109: Minimum Percentage of Pass Marks in the Examination Prescribed after Completion of Institutional Extension of Probationer Period:-

The minimum marks to pass in Examination after completion of Institutional training (Foundational Course, Induction Courses Phase I, Phase II etc.) and Departmental Examinations will be 60% in aggregate as well as in each individual paper.

IREM Rule No.110: Extension of Probationary Period:-

The Ministry of Railways may, if it is so, deem fit in any case extend the period of probation for a maximum period of one year. However, if during the period of probation, a probationer is placed under suspension, pending investigation, enquiry or trial relating to criminal charge against him/her for pending disciplinary proceedings which are contemplated or started against him/her, in such circumstances the period of his/her probation may be extended for such period as Ministry of Railway may think fit in the circumstances of the case.