Fixation of Pay: RBE No.298/1987 – Selection Grade in Group ‘A’
No.PC-IV/87/Imp/19, dated 04.12.1987
Sub: Selection Grade in Group ‘A’ Services – Orders regarding fixation of pay.
1. Reference this Ministry’s letter of even no. dated 24.08.1987 on the above mentioned subject.
2. The President is pleased to decide that the fixation of pay of the officers appointed to the Selection Grade should be governed by the provisions of Rule 2017 (a) (ii) [FR 22(a)(ii)] – R.II. These are summarised as below:
Pay on appointment to the Selection Grade:
(i) A member of the Service shall be entitled to draw pay in the Selection Grade only on appointment to that grade.
(ii) The pay of a member of the Service in the Junior Administrative Grade shall, on appointment to the Selection Grade be fixed (a) at the stage which is equal to his pay in the Junior Administrative Grade or if there is no such stage, the stage next below that pay, plus personal pay equal to the difference to be absorbed in future increase in pay or (b) the minimum of the Selection Grade, whichever is higher.
(iii) The next increment in the Selection Grade would accrue after rendering the requisite qualifying service in that grade.
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