
Incentives: RBE No.48/1987 – For Promoting the Small Family Norms

No.PC-IV/86/Increment/1, dated 09.03.1987

Sub:   Introduction of incentives among Railway employees for promoting the small family norms.

1.     In accordance with the provision contained in the Ministry’s letter No.80/H(FW)/7/1, dated 7th February, 1980, Railway, employees who undergo sterilization are granted a special increment in the form of personal pay not to be absorbed in future increases in pay.

The rate of personal pay is equal to the amount of the next increment due at the time of grant of the concession and remains fixed during the entire service.

2.     Consequent on the revision of pay scales from 01.01.1986 on the recommendations of the Fourth Pay Commission, the matter relating to the revision of rate of personal pay in respect of those Railway employees who had already undergone sterilization and were in receipt of personal pay prior to 01.01.1986 has been under the consideration of the Government.

The President is now pleased to decide that the rate of personal pay in respect of those Railway employees who were already in receipt of personal pay prior to 01.01.1986 in terms of the provision contained in the aforesaid letter will be an amount equivalent to the lowest rate of increment in the revised scale corresponding to the pay scales of the post against which the individual had earned the personal pay in the pre-revised scales of pay.

3.     These orders would take effect from the date an employee draws pay in the revised scale of pay applicable in accordance with the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1986.


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