
Increment: RBE No.93/1988 – On Curtailment of Training Period

No.E(NG)I-86-ICI/3 (PNM/NFIR), dated 02.05.1988

Sub: Grant of increment to Railway employee after completion of one years’ service against working posts in cases where training period is curtailed in administrative interest.

1. The question of granting annual increment to the staff who are posted against working posts before completion of the training period as a result of curtailment of the prescribed training period in the interest of administration duly taking into account the curtailed period of training has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways.

It is clarified that the curtailed period of training cannot be taken into consideration for the purpose of increments in terms of Board’s letter No.E31/RR8/13, dated 31.10.1952 and 15.01.1954. Copies of these letters are enclosed for ready reference.

2. Such of those apprentices who are initially recruited for a training duration exceeding one year, but whose training period is curtailed, may be given the minimum of the scale as stipend as and when they are put on the working post treating it as enhanced stipend till the prescribed training period is over.

They should not, however, be brought on the scale of the post concerned till they successfully complete training.

3. These orders will be effective from 01.05.1988. It has come to the notice of the Board that a few Railway Administrations have taken into account the service put in by the Apprentices before completion of the prescribed training period in the working post for grant of annual increments.

Since this is not in accordance with the instructions referred to above, it has been decided that the pay of the staff in such cases should be refixed. However, overpayments made in such cases till date of issue of this letter need not be recovered.

4. In this connection, attention is invited to Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/87/RR1/21, dated 30.06.1987 (RBE No.171/1987) advising Railway Administrations that in no case should the initial period of training be curtailed. Railway Administrations may please ensure adherence to these instructions.

5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.93/1988

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