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IREM Vol-I, Chapter-I, Section-C: Employment Of Tuberculosis, Pleurisy And Leprosy Patients In The Indian Railway Services
IREM Rule No.101: There is no bar to employment on Railway of persons who may suffered from tuberculosis in the past but are certified by tuberculosis/ chest specialist of Govt. Tuberculosis and Chest Institution or Medical College as healed case and fit for employment, provided such persons are also certified by the Railway Tuberculosis and Chest Specialist as non-infectious and healed or by Medical Board as the case may be.
IREM Rule No.102: Railway employee whose services are terminated either because of non-availability of leave (including extraordinary leave) to his credit or because he was declared unfit for all category, as there appears to be no reasonable prospect of the employee ever being fit to resume duty (i.e. under Rule 519 R-I (1985 edition) which should, however, be used with due care so as not to cause unnecessary hardship in tuberculosis cases) may on recovery and on his being satisfied by a tuberculosis and Chest Specialist of Govt. Tuberculosis/ Chest Institute or Medical college as non-infectious and healed and fit for employment even in permanent capacity, in suitable post provided such person is certified by the Railway Tuberculosis/ Chest Specialist as non-infectious and healed or by Medical Board as the case may be. Re-employment of such persons after full treatment in categories like Nurses, Cooks etc. is no bar. However, they should be checked periodically for their condition.
IREM Rule No.103: The following special concessions will be admissible:-
(a) When re-employed in permanent posts, they may be confirmed therein out of turn provided tthey were permanent before their services were terminated;
(b) If only temporary, they may be confirmed giving due credit for previous service for this purpose only;
(c) The pay on re-employment should be so fixed that as far as possible there is no diminution in emoluments;
(d) Leave:- The balance of leave at credit, if any, should lapse and the railway servant must be brought on the Liberalised Leave Rules;
(e) Provident Fund and Special Contribution to Provident Fund and Pension:- The Railway servants should be treated as reappointed and governed by the Pension Rules as applicable to railway servants on or after 16th Nov. 1957, the break in service being regulated on the lines of the provisions of rule 2609 (CSR 519) R-II (old). Condonation of breaks in service for the purpose of provident fund and special contribution will not arise in such cases;
(f) Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders:- Condonation of breaks in service for this purpose will accrue only when such breaks are condoned for the purpose mentioned in item (e) above.
Note:- Re-employment of gazette railway servants on above mentioned conditions requires Railway Board’s orders.
IREM Rule No.104: The service rendered by ex-tuberculosis patient before his discharge from service on account of tuberculosis will count for eligibility to appear in departmental tests/ examinations as if there had been no break in the service.
IREM Rule No.105:The above concessions will apply to pleurisy/ leprosy patients also whose services are terminated on account of their illness from such disease.
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