
Master Craftsmen: RBE No.138/1987 – Recruitment

No.E(NG)I-86 PM7/8, dated 03.06.1987

Sub: Methodology for filling up the post of Master Craftsmen in scale Rs.425-640/ 1400-2300 Artisan category – instructions regarding.

1. As the Railway Administrations are aware in terms this Ministry’s letter No.PC-III/82/PS-3/10, dated 14.02.1986 (RBE No.34/1986) the category of Master Craftsmen in scale Rs.425-640/ 1400-2300 has been introduced in the Artisan category.

Further, in terms of ‘note’ below item V(i) of Annexure ‘B’ to this Ministry’s letter No.PC-IV/86/Imp/Schedule/1, dated 24.09.1986 (RBE No.170/1986), the grade of Master Craftsmen is a terminal grade for skilled Artisans who opt for the post.

2. Question relating to the methodology for filling up the post of Master Craftsman and as to how to deal with the case of persons already fitted in the grade of Master Craftsmen, the Master Craftsmen’s grade being a terminal grade for skilled Artisans, have been under consideration of the Board for some time.

The Board have now decided as follow:-

(i) The number of positions to be filled in the category of Master Craftsmen will be determined in each establishment at the commencement of each calendar year on the first of January of that year or an earlier that if the earlier list of persons found suitable for the grade has been exhausted before 31st December of a particular year so as to cover the requirements upto 31st December of that year or the succeeding year, as the case may be.

(ii) Eligible persons equal to the number of positions to be filled in as determined in the manner indicated in (i) above form amongst skilled Grade-I staff, will be considered in order to their seniority, their suitability being adjudged in the manner as laid down in para 1(iv) of Department of Railway’s letter dated 14.02.1986 (RBE No. 34/1986) referred to above.

(iii) If the requisite number is not found suitable as per 1:1 formula, eligible persons next in the order of seniority may be considered on the same basis in continuation till the requisite number is found suitable.

(iv) Names of persons found suitable in the manner as indicated above for promotion as Master Craftsmen will be notified.

(v) They will be fitted in the scale of Master Craftsmen from the first of January of that year or later date depending upon when vacancies in that grade becomes available subject, however, to the observance of instructions in force from time to time regarding promotion of staff under suspension or involved in disciplinary proceedings (as this involves fitment in a higher grade).

(vi) If for any reason a person declared suitable cannot be fitted as Master Craftsmen before the end of the particular calendar year his suitability need not be adjudged again and his name will be placed at the top of the next year’s list and the size of the next list will be correspondingly reduced.

(vii) The position of Master Craftsmen in scale Rs.1400-2300 will not be filled on ad-hoc or day-to-day basis.

(viii) In the light of acceptance of Fourth Pay Commission’s recommendation regarding the grade of Master Craftsmen being the terminal grade for the skilled Artisans, in all future cases of fitment in this grade, it should be made clear to the employees concerned at the time they are considered for the grade of Master Craftsmen that in the event of their opting for the scale of Master Craftsmen, they will not be eligible for any for the advancement beyond the position and grade of Master Craftsmen.

(ix) However, insofar as persons who have already been fitted in as Master Craftsmen before the issue of these orders are concerned, since the condition of this grade being a terminal grade was not made explicit, they will be eligible for being considered for selection for promotion to the post of Chargeman ‘B’ in scale Rs.1400-2300. In the integrated seniority list for selection as Chargemen ‘B’ the relative position of a person in the grade of Master Craftsmen will be determined with reference to the date of entry into skilled Grade-I (Rs.380-560/ 1320-2040 (RS) on a regular basis.

3. Cases of persons fitted in the grade of Master Craftsmen in accordance with the instructions contained in Ministry’s letter No.PC-III/82/PS-3/10, dated 14.02.1986 (RBE No.34/1986) cited above but otherwise than in the manner laid down above, will not be reopened.

4. The Board desire that Railway Administration should allot the appropriate Trade to Master Craftsmen as was visualized while lying down the revised percentage distribution of 30:35:35 for artisans vide Ministry’s letter No.E(P&A)I-82/JC/1, dated 10.07.1985 (RBE No. 207/1985).

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