Pension Awards: RBE No.46/1988 – Extension of Scheme
No.E(P&A)I-87/PS-5/WS-9, dated 25.03.1988
Sub: Liberalised Pension Awards – Extension of scheme to Railway employees assisting Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka.
1. A copy of DOP&PW’s Office Memorandum No.33.1 87-P&PW, dated 30.12.1987 on the above subject is sent herewith. The orders contained therein will apply mutatis mutandis on the Railways.
2. Orders corresponding to DOP&PW’s Office Memorandum No.2/6/87-PIC, dated 07.08.1987 referred to in the above Office Memorandum were issued under this Ministry’s letter No.PC-IV/87/Imp/PN/1, dated 05.10.1987 (RBE No.246/1987).
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare
OM No.33/1/87-P&PW, dt. 30.12.1987
Sub: Liberalised Pensionary Award – Extension of Scheme to civilian Central Government employees assisting Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka.
1. The undersigned is directed to state that the question of extension of Liberalised Pensionary Awards to civilian Central Government employees suffering casualties while assisting the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka had been under consideration of the Government. The President is pleased to decide that the Liberalised Pensionary Awards as modified vide this Department’s Office Memorandum No.2/6/87-PIC II, dated the 7th August, 1987 shall be extended to casualties suffered by the civilian Central Government employees assisting the IPKF in Sri Lanka.
2. These orders issue in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No.2388-EV.87, dated 11.12.1987.
3. In their application to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.