
Quarter: RBE No.28/1988 – Out of Turn Allotment to Dependents

No.E(G)87 QR3-6, dated 12.02.1988

Sub: Regularization/ out of turn allotment of Railway quarter in the name of eligible dependant of a Railway servant who retires on medical invalidation or dies while in service.

1. Reference Railway Ministry’s letters Nos.E(G)66 QR1-11, dated 25.06.1966, E(G)78 QR1-23, dated 22.12.1979, 19.12.1981, etc.

2. Some doubts have been expressed with regard to the interpretation of the relevant provisions in the above instructions.

3. It is clarified that requests for regularisation of quarters in favour of the compassionate appointees should be considered by the Railway Administration only in cases where the compassionate appointments have been made within the prescribed period of 12 months and no special cases should be made out.

In case, the compassionate appointee had remained in occupation of the Railway accommodation unauthorisedly beyond the permitted period, that in itself would not confer any right in favour of the compassionate appointee in the matter of regularisation of the Railway accommodation in his/her name. Further, the Railway Administration should also initiate eviction proceedings soon after the prescribed period for retention of accommodation is over.

4. Necessary steps may please be taken to bring the above position to the notice of all concerned on your Railway.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.28/1988

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