RBE No.04/1987 Accounts Department – Classification of Posts
No.E(NG)I-86-PM 9/8, dated 14.01.1987
Sub: Classification of post in scale Rs.2000-3200 in the Accounts Department.
1. Reference Item VII of Annexure ‘B’ of this Ministry’s letter No.PC-IV/86/IMP/Schedule/1, dated 24.09.1986 (RBE No.170/1986) notifying the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1986.
2. The question regarding the classification of posts placed in scale Rs.2000-3200 in the Accounts Department in place of selection grade posts of Section Officer (Accounts)/ ISA/ TIA in scale Rs.775-1000 as a result of the acceptance of the 4th Pay Commission’s recommendations has been under consideration of this Ministry for some time.
It has now been decided that the posts of Section Officers (Accounts)/ TIA/ ISA placed in the revised scale of Rs.2000-3200 should be classified as non-selection and accordingly filled on the basis of seniority-cum-suitability as and when the existing incumbents who were/are holding the posts as personal to them vacate the same. It has also been decided that the posts placed in these scales should be designated as Senior Section Officer (A/Cs)/ Senior TIA/ Senior ISA.
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