
RBE No.105/1985 Written Examination – For Non-Technical Popular Categories

No.E(NG)II/84/RSC/75, dated 12.04.1985

Sub: Written examination for Non-technical popular categories on Sunday the 26th May, 1985.

As the Railways are aware, all the RRBs will be conducting a combined written examination for Non-technical popular categories on Sunday, the 26th May, 1985. For this purpose, they will be requiring services of a large number of officers and staff to work as Centre Supervisors and Town Supervisors.

The RRBs will be approaching you with the detailed requirements of assistance in this regard. Some of the RRBs have complained that they face difficulties owing to officers nominated by the Divisions to work as Centre/ Town Supervisors going on leave/ on some training course/ for being called for some other duties including accompanying officers from Zonal Headquarters, etc. on inspections fixed after their nomination.

Such last minute non-availability of these Supervisors causes serious dislocation of work and may even in extreme cases result in postponing the examination at a particular centre/ town. The Ministry of Railways therefore, desire that:

(1)   The Division should nominate only those officers/ staff as Centre/ Town Supervisors who could easily be relieved at the appropriate time and should ensure that there is no last minute changes;

(2)   For each town a stand by panel of Centre Supervisors should be nominated;

(3)   After such nominations controlling officers should not cancel or change the nomination except for absolutely unavoidable reasons and in such an eventuality should do it with prior approval of the concerned Divisional Officers, who should arrange for a suitable substitute.

(4)   Controlling Officers/ Head of Departments, etc., should ensure that officers nominated as Town Supervisors, Centre Supervisors are not given any assignments during this period which will prevent them from working as Supervisors except, of course, in case of unforseen emergencies like accidents.

The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.


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