
RBE No. 106/2002: Welfare Inspector – Promotion

No.E(NG)I-2002/PM4/1, dated 12.07.2002

Sub: Filling up of the post of Welfare Inspector, Gr-III in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000 – Qualifications etc. for.

1. Instructions have been issued from time to time regarding the eligibility criteria and the procedure for filling up the post of Welfare Inspectors, Gr-III in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000. Pursuant to discussion held on 07/08.03.1997 in the PNM-AIRF, consolidated instructions on the subject were issued vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-96/PM4/13, dated 25.04.1997 (RBE No. 58/1997). However, subsequent to the issue of the consolidated instructions, further instructions on the subject have been issued vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-96/PM4/13, dated 19.01.1998 (RBE No. 16/1998), 09.09.1998 (RBE No. 205/1998), 24.08.1999 (RBE No. 215/1999), 14.07.2000 (RBE No. 119/2000) letter of even number dated 13.03.2002. A copy of the last letter which was addressed only to Southern Railway, is enclosed. While some of the instructions on these letters are clarificatory in nature, some have the effect of modification/ negation of the earlier instructions. It has, therefore, been decided to consolidate the issue these instructions afresh as in the following paragraphs.
2. Eligibility Criteria:
2.1 The following staff will be considered eligible to volunteer for appearing in the selection for promotion to the post of Welfare Inspector Gr-III in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000.

(i) Group ‘C’ staff in possession of any of the following qualifications irrespective of the grade or length of service or other educational qualifications.

(a) Diploma in Labour Welfare, Social Welfare
(b) Diploma in Labour Laws
(c) LLB with paper(s) in Labour Laws
(d) Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management awarded by an institution recognized by the Government of India; and
(e) MBA with paper(s) in Personnel Management awarded by an institution recognized by the Government of India.
Provided that staff working in grade Rs.5000-8000 or above on regular basis will not be eligible to appear in the aforesaid selection.
Provided further that eligibility of staff in possession of qualification as mentioned above, will also be subject to the condition that they have successfully completed the probation in the respective grade.

(ii) Group ‘D’ staff who have completed at least 7 years’ service in Group ‘D’ and are in possession of any of the qualifications mentioned in (i) above.
(iii) Staff in the grade next below the grade of Welfare Inspector i.e. those in grades Rs.4500-7000 and Rs.4000-6000 with 5 years’ service in respective grades in case the higher grade does not fall in the normal line of advancement, otherwise 5 years service together in these grades.
(iv) Staff in the grades Rs.4500-7000 and Rs.4000-6000 who are graduates irrespective of the length of service in these grades provided the staff concerned have successfully completed the probation in the respective grades.
(v) Staff in grades lower than the grade next below the grade of Welfare Inspector i.e. those in grades Rs.3200-4900 and Rs.3050 4590 who are graduates and who have completed not less than 7 years service in the irrespective plates in case the higher grade does not fall in the normal line of advancement, otherwise, 7 years service together in these grades.

3. Procedure for holding selection and empanelment:
3.1 All staff who satisfy the conditions prescribed above, would be subjected to a selection which will consist of a written test and an oral test and final panel drawn up as per procedure prescribed in Para 219(j) of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol-I, (1989 Edition) as amended vide ACS No.66 issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/98/PM1/11, dated 16.11.1998 (RBE No. 263/1998).

Copy of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2002/PM4/1, dated 13.03.2002

Sub: Eligibility for promotion to the post of Welfare Inspectors in scale Rs.5000-8000.
Ref: Southern Railway’s letter No.P(GS)608/XII/I/Vol.XI, dated 18.01.2002 on the above subject.

The matter has been considered by the Board and the points raised in the Railway’s letter under reference are classified as under:

Points raised Clarification
(i) Whether the eligibility condition that staff in grade(s) Rs.4500-7000 and Rs.4600-6000 with less than 5 years service in the grade(s) but having the qualifications of graduation, is applicable to staff in all categories in general or only to the Ministerial staff in the grade(s). The condition applied to staff in all categories in general and is not confined to Ministerial staff in the grade(s).
(ii) Whether the employees possessing any of the qualifications enumerated in para 1(i) of Board’s letter dated 24.05.1966 and those in grade(s) Rs.4500-7000 and Rs.4600-6000 with the less than 5 years service in the grade(s) but having the qualification of graduation as per para 1(i) of Board’s letter ibid as clarified vide their letter dated 14.07.2000 should be considered eligible on their having completed probation in the respective grade in which they are working at the time of volunteering for the selection or on completion of probation in the recruitment grade. There cannot be a straight answer to this query as the same will differ from case to case. For example, a Group ‘C’ employee who has been promoted from Group ‘D’ and possesses any of the qualifications enumerated in para 1(i) of Board’s letter No.E(NG)65/PM1/37, dated 24.05.1966 will be eligible to appear in the selection for promotion as Welfare Inspector if he has completed probation on promotion to a Group ‘C’ post or has completed 7 years total service including service in Group ‘D’. On the other hand, an employee promoted as Sr.Clerk in the pay scale of Rs.4500-7000 and who possesses any of the qualifications enumerated in Para 1(i) of Board’s letter dated 24.05.1966 will be eligible even without completing the probation on promotion as Sr. Clerk. But if his claim for consideration is based on the qualification of graduation as per 1(ii) of Board’s letter ibid as clarified/ amplified he will be eligible only if he has either completed probation on promotion as Sr. Clerk or has rendered 7 years total service together in grades Rs.3050-4590 and Rs.4500-7000. 

However, an employee who has been directly recruited in the grade in which he is working at the time of his volunteering for selection will be eligible only on completion of probation in that grade.

(iii) Weather in employee fulfilling any of the qualifications enumerated in para 1(i) of Board’s letter dated 24.05.1966 and working in grades equivalent to or higher than the grade of Welfare Inspector, viz. Rs.5000-8000 will be eligible to appear in the selection. Only the staff in grade(s) below the grade of Welfare Inspector viz. Rs.5000-8000 will be considered eligible. In other words staff working in grade Rs.5000-8000 or above are not eligible.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.106/2002

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