
RBE No. 14/2000: Dual Charge Allowance – ACS No.94

No.F(E)Spl.98/FR/1/1, dated 28.01.2000

Sub: Grant of Dual Charge Allowance for combination of Appointments.

Ref:  Board’s letter No.F(E)Spl.91/FR/Misc./3, dated 05.06.1991 & F(E)Spl.97/FR/1/1, dated 31.12.1997 (RBE No. 188/1997) relating to Para 645(a) and 648(a) of IREM Vol-I (Revised Edition) 1989.

1. Consequent upon introduction of revised pay scale of pay based on recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) vide their Notification No.4/3/97-Estt.(Pay-II), dated 12.03.1999 have amended the existing provisions relating to the grant of Dual Charge Allowance for combination of appointments. In view thereof the existing provisions as modified earlier by the Advanced Correction Slip No.1 & 33 circulated under Board’s letter dated 05.06.1991 & 31.12.1997 mentioned above are further amended as under:-

(i) Dual Charge Allowance will be admissible only if the additional charge is held for a period exceeding 45 days.

(ii) Aggregate of pay and additional pay shall not exceed Rs.26000 pm.

2. The revised orders are effective from 05.03.1999.

Note: (i)  For the period between 01.01.1996 to 15.03.1999 while the ceiling of Rs.8000 may be worked out notionally as pre-revised salaries, payment of 10% of the presumptive pay may be made with reference to the pay in the revised scale.

(ii)  For the period subsequent to 15.03.1999 the payment on revised scales will be made with the provision of a minimum period of 45 days. Cases already dealt with otherwise need not be re-opened.

3. Accordingly, Advance Correction Slip No.94 to the IREM, Vol-I (Revised Edition, 1989) Annexure-A is enclosed herewith. Necessary amendments may be made in the IREM (Vol-I) Revised Edition, 1989.

4. Other terms and conditions governing the Dual Charge Allowance shall remain unchanged.

Indian Railway Establishment Manual Volume-I

(Revised Edition, 1989)

Advance Correction Slip No.94

The following amendments may be further carried out in Chapter-VI, Section-V, of IREM, Vol-I (Revised Edition 1989) regarding grant of Dual Charge Allowance as under:-

In sub-para (a) of Para 645, as last amended vide Advance Correction Slip No.33 under Board’s letter F(E)Spl.97/FR/1/1, dated 31.12.1997 (RBE No. 188/1997), substitute the words “for a period exceeding 30 days” appearing in line 13 as “for a period exceeding 45 days”.

In Sab-para (a) of Para 648, as last amended vide Advanced Correction Slip No.1 under Board’s letter No.F(E)Spl.91/FR/Misc./3, dated 05.06.1991, the figure of Rs.8000 may be read as Rs.26000.

[Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)Spl.98/FR/1/1, dated 28.01.2000 (RBE No.14/2000)]


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