RBE No.140/1986 Teachers – Crediting of Earned Leave (LAP)
No.E(P and A)I-81/CPC/LE/8, dated 14.08.1986
Sub: Entitlement of 10 days earned leave on full pay during a year in lieu of 20 days half pay leave for teachers working in Railway Schools – Clarification.
Reference this Department’s letter of even number dated 22.05.1985 (RBE No.147/1985) wherein certain clarifications have been issued in regard to leave entitlements and procedures for crediting of leave in the case of teachers, Principals and Heads of Schools in the Railway Schools.
A doubt has been raised as to whether other schools staff such as Lab. Asstts. and Librarians and any other Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ staff could also be brought under the purview of the clarifications issued under Board’s letter referred to above.
The matter has been examined in consultation with Deptt. of Personnel and Training and it is clarified that only Laboratory Asstts. Librarians and Watermen working in Railway Schools would be covered under Board’s letter mentioned above and no other non-teaching staff, either group ‘C’ or group ‘D’, are governed by these rules.
This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Department of Railways.