
RBE No. 149/1999 IREM – Amendment to Para 215 & 219 – Selection – ACS No. 82, ACS No. 83 & ACS No. 84.

No.E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999

Sub: Amendment to IREM.

The ministry of Railways are pleased to direct that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I, (1989 Edition) may be amended as per Advance Correction Slip No.82, 83 and 84 enclosed.

Advance Correction Slip No.82
Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I
(1989 Edition)

Chapter II, Section ‘B’ – Rule governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff:
The existing sub-para (e) of Para 215 may be divided into two sub-paras as sub-para (e) and sub-para (ee) and notes (1) and (2) added below the modified sub-para (e) as under:-

“(e) Eligible staff up to three times the number of staff to be empanelled will be called for the selection. The staff employed in the immediate lower grade on fortuitous basis will not be eligible for consideration.

[Authority: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(NG)I-76/PM1/168, dated 03.09.1976 and
E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999 (RBE No.149/1999)]

1. Persons who have expressed their unwillingness should not be reckoned for determining the zone of consideration and additional persons in lieu thereof may be called for the selection.
2. If a candidate without giving unwillingness does not appear in the selection, he has to be taken in the reckoning and therefore has to be called for supplementary selection. If he gives his unwillingness on a subsequent date after the selection has commenced, additional persons will not be called to compensate for him.

[Authority: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(NG)I-81/PM1/282, dated 16.04.1982, and
E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999 (RBE No. 149/1999)]

(ee) It is desirable to hold written test as part of a election in respect of all initial selection grade posts in the different channels of promotion, but in every case viva-voce test shall be held. If a written test is proposed to be held, advance intimation shall be given to all eligible candidates.”

[Authority: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(NG)I-76/PM1/168, dated 03.09.1976 and
E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999 (RBE No. 149/1999)]

Advance Correction Slip No.83
Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I
(1989 Edition)

Chapter-II, Section ‘B’ – Rule governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff:
Substitute the following for the existing sub-para (f) of Para 219:-

“(f) The Selection Board will examine the service record the confidential reports (if kept) of the staff eligible. A single evolution sheet should be prepared to assess the candidates under the different headings of Personality, Address, Leadership etc. to be signed by all members of the Selection Board. Correction in the evolution sheet, if any, should be attested by all the members of the Selection Board. The members nominated on a Selection Board should be advised clearly that there should not be any cutting and overwriting in the proceedings of the Selection Board and serious objection of any cutting and overwriting will be taken.”

[Authority: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(NG)I-79/PM1/320, dated 23.12.1979,
E(NG)I-91/PM1/34, dated 01.05.1992 (RBE No.71/1992), and
E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999 (RBE No. 149/1999)]

Advance Correction Slip No.84
Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I
(1989 Edition)

Chapter-II, Section ‘B’ – Rule governing promotion of Group ‘C’ staff:
In sub-para (g) of Para 219 as amended vide ACS No.46 issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-97/PM1/27, 17.06.1998 (RBE No.133/1998) and ACS No.66 issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-98/PM1/11, 16.11.1998 (RBE No.263/1998) include the following provisions:-
(i) In the existing Note (iii) add the following after last word “examination”:-

“Only; marks for seniority being awarded on notional basis. However, it should be specifically made clear to them that they are being called for interview based on the marks for seniority awarded on notional basis and that empanelment will be subject to their securing 60% marks in the professional ability (written test and viva voce test) and 60% in the aggregate.”

[Authority: Ministry of Railway’s letter No.E(NG)I-92/PM4/1, dated 31.03.1992 (RBE No.51/1992), and
E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999 (RBE No. 149/1999)]

(ii) Add the following as Note (iv) after the existing Note (iii) as amplified above:-

“The proviso in the Note (iii) above will not be applicable in respect of the ex-cadre posts where the employee retains his lien in the parent cadre and seeks advancement therein.”

[Authority: Ministry of Railways letter No.E(NG)I-83/PM1/65 (PNM-NFIR), dated 28.01.1988 (RBE No. 21/1988), and
E(NG)I-99/PM1/15, dated 26.07.1999 (RBE No. 149/1999)]

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.149/1999

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