RBE No.155/1985 Representations – Disposal of
No.E(Rep)I-83AE 1/RRC (150), dated 28.05.1985/01.06.1985
Sub: Acknowledgement of complaints and representations from Railway employees and their disposal.
1. The Railway Reforms Committee in Part IX of their report on ‘Personnel’ matter has made Inter alia the following recommendations:
“Item No.150 – Employees’ complaints and representations should be invariably acknowledged Personnel Inspectors should be specifically charged with communicating to the employee the correct position. (Paras 2.14, 2.15)”
2. The Ministry of Railways have accepted the recommendation. They desire that all complaints/ representations from Railway employees are not only registered but should also be acknowledged. It should be ensured that reply is sent to the representationists within a month if possible. The Inspector concerned should also be charged with the responsibility to communicate the position to the employees.
3. The register of complaints/ representations should be reviewed periodically both at Divisional/ Headquarter’s level by the Personnel Officers to ensure that these are being properly maintained and that replies to the representationists are being given in time.
4. The above should be given wide publicity.