
RBE No.190/1986 Service Book

No.E(G)84FR1-1, dated 13.10.1986


Sub: Revised form of Service Book.


Reference correspondence resting with your letter No.384-E/O-IV(EIV), dated 04.06.1986 on the above noted subject.
In this connection, a copy of letter No.E(G)76 FRI-1Pt., dated 01.12.1980 address to Eastern Railway with a copy of their letter referred to in sent herewith.

The Department of Railways desire that the extra columns agreed to, be provided on your Railways as well.

Copy of Eastern Railway’s letter
No.E1023/O/Dup, dated 14th November, 1980
Addressed to Secretary(E), Railway Board on the subject of revision of form of Service Book

In terms of Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)76 FRI-1, dated 24.02.1977, the revised form of Service Book, received from the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) under their letter No.F-3(2)EIV(A)/73, dated 11.03.1976 and No.F3(2)-EIV(A)/76, dated 06.10.1976 may be introduced on this Railway.

While introducing the above Service Book, it is seen that no columns have been provided to record the following items which are necessary to be incorporated in the Revised Service Book.

1. Date of appointment
2. Place of appointment
3. Capacity on appointment
4. Pay and scale on appointment
5. Reference to appointment letter No. and date
6. Religion.

Board are, therefore, requested to consider inclusion of the above additional columns and intimate their decision in the matter.

Copy of Railway Board’s letter
No.E(G)76 FRI-1, dated 01.12.1980
Addressed to the General Manager, Eastern Railway, Calcutta
regarding revision of the form of Service Book.

Reference your letter No.E1023/O/Dup, dated 14th November, 1980 on the above noted subject.

The Railway Ministry have considered the matter and they have no objection to the incorporation of the items mentioned in Para 2 of your letter referred to, below the last item of the revised Service Book circulated vide their letter No.E(G)76 FRI-1, dated 24.02.1977.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.190/1986

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