RBE No. 195/2019: D&A Rule – Special Drive for DAR Cases

No.E(D&A)/2019 RG6-19, dated 13/14.11.2019

Sub: Special drive for DAR cases of non-gazetted staff.

Disciplinary proceedings, arising both out of vigilance and non-vigilance cases, are instituted on the Railways and Production Units etc. for which model timelines have been issued in the past. However, their finalization i.e. issue of final order by the Disciplinary Authorities is often delayed.

Disciplinary proceedings are of quasi judicial nature requiring mandatory compliance of the statutory provisions and the principles of natural justice. While individual disciplinary cases may have their own characteristics, yet it is desirable that they are finalized as per the model timelines and avoidable delays be cut down.

In this context, Railways/ PUs are advised to conduct special drive whereby, in the first instance the pendency of the minor penalty proceedings be brought down within the next two months.

Simultaneously, efforts be also made to cut down on avoidable delays in major penalty proceedings.

In order to achieve this end, Railways/ PUs may kindly ensure that personnel conversant with the governing provisions are dedicated to these matters. Those appointed as Inquiry Officers and Presenting Officers should also be conversant with the governing statutory provisions, and they may be given time which they can devote to expedite the proceedings.

It may therefore be useful that GMs/ DRMs/ CWMs etc. periodically monitor the pendency of cases to ensure a sizeable reduction in the next two months.

A report on the cases pending on Railways/ PUs as on 01.10.2019 and thereafter be sent to this office.
This issues with the approval of Chairman, Railway Board.

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