
RBE No. 20/1985: Railway Quarters – Unauthorized Retention

No.E(G)81/QR1-51, dated 17.01.1985

Sub: Unauthorized retention of railway quarters by retired Railway Officers and staff and steps to be taken for vacation of.

Ref: Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 24.04.1982 and 04.06.1983

1. In relation to the question as to what would be the appropriate stage for the issue of show cause notice to the concerned employee when the Railway Administration denies the issue of a Post Retirement Pass applied for by a Railway employee on account of retention of railway accommodation by him beyond the period permissible under the rules, it is clarified that the show cause notice has to be issued as if it is a reply to the application made by the employee for issue of a Post Retirement Railway Pass.

2. The ministry of Railways also desire that wide publicity should be given from time to time by the Rly. Admn. of the penalties leviable in terms of their letters of even number dated 24.04.1982 and 04.06.1983 for unauthorized retention of railway quarters by railway servants so that they are made fully aware of the implications of unauthorized retention of railway quarters by them and they do not show their ignorance in this regard.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 20/1985


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