RBE No.200/1986 Service Book
No.E(G)84FRI-1, dated 24.10.1986
Sub: Revised form of Service Book.
In continuation of board’s letter of even number dated 13.10.1986 (RBE No.190/1986), a copy of letter No.E(G)76FRI-1, dated 24th August, 1977 address to Northern Railway together with a copy of their letter to therein is sent herewith. The Department of Railways Desire that the extra columns may be provided on your Railways as well.
Copy of Northern Railway’s letter
No.384 E/O-III/Eiv dated 04.08.1977
Addressed to Secretary, Railway Board
Sub: Revision of the form of Service Book.
The Railway Board vide their letter No.E(G)76 FRI-1, dated 24.02.1977 have introduced the revised proforma of Service Books.
The Service Book already in use on this Railway also incorporates information regarding “designation of the appointing authority” and “signatures of the appointing authority” vide column 23 and 24 thereof, whereas the new Service Book does not provide for these columns.
It has been suggested by one of the Division that column number 23 and 24 of the existing service book viz. “designation of the appointing authority” and “signatures of the appointing authority” should also be inserted in the proposed Service Book to tide over the difficulty of ascertaining appointing authority in cases where appointment letters are not available and to avoid such cases being put up to General Manager who is to be regarded as Appointing Authority in such cases as per extent rules. Accordingly the above two columns are being inserted as column 14 and 15 below column 13 of Part-I (Bio Data) of page No.2 of the proforma of Service Book received with Board’s letter referred to above.
Copy of Railway Board’s letter
No.E(G)76 FRI-1, dated 24.08.1977
Addressed to the General Manager, Northern Railway, New Delhi
Sub: Revision of the form of Service Book.
Reference your letter No.384 E/O-III/Eiv dated 04.08.1977, on the above noted subject.
The Railway Ministry have considered the matter and they have no objection to insert two columns as Column 14 and 15 below column 13 of Part-I (Bio-data)