
RBE No. 213/1987: Selection – Maintenance of calendar

No.E(NG)I-87-PM1-4, dated 18.08.1987

Sub: Maintenance of a calendar for selection of various grades.

Ref: (1) No.E(NG)I-76-PM1-168, dated 03.09.1976;
(2) No.E(NG)I-79-PM1-105, dated 26.04.1979;
(3) No.E(NG)II-81-RC1-1, dated 01.04.1981; and
(4) No.E(NG)I-82-PM1-204, dated 27.06.1983.

1. As the Railway Administration etc. are aware as per extant instructions contained in the Board’s letters referred to above and other instructions issued from time to time, selections are required to be held at regular intervals.

2. The Board have had the occasion to consider the matter further. They desire that calendar should be drawn up and maintained by Zonal Headquarters, Divisions and extra Divisional offices (like workshops) for conducting selections for various grades, to help plan the various activities in this regard in time, and to ensure better compliance of Board’s orders in this regard.

3. Please acknowledge receipt.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 213/1987

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