RBE No. 214/1999: IREM – Amendment to Para 176 – Stenographers – ACS No.87
No.98/E(RRB)/8/5, dated 26.08.1999
Sub: Amendment to Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I, 1989 Edition.
The Ministry of Railways are pleased to direct that Para 176(2)(iii) of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I, 1989 edition, may be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No.87 enclosed.
Advance Correction Slip No.87
Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-I
(1989 Edition)
Chapter-I, Section ‘B’, Sub-section-III – Recruitment and Training:-
In items (a) and (b) of Sub-para (2)(iii) of Para 176, substitute the following for the existing entries regarding transcription time against the speed of 80 w.p.m. in Hindi and English respectively.
Speed | Dictation duration | Transcription time |
Hindi – 80 w.p.m. | 10 Minutes | 75 Minutes |
English 80 w.p.m. | 10 Minutes | 65 Minutes |
The other entries remain un-changed.
[Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.94/E(RRB)/25/1, dated 27.09.1994 and
98/E(RRB)/8/5, dated 26.08.1999 (RBE No. 214/1999)]