RBE No.218/1985 Artisan – Re-classification of
No.E(P&A)I-85/JC/1 (Review), dated 25.07.1985
Sub: Re-classification of artisan staff – Relief to unskilled and skilled categories – Matching surrenders.
1. Attention is invited to Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-82/JC/1, dated 10.07.1985 wherein revised percentages of re-classification of unskilled categories to semi-skilled grades and revised distribution ratios among Highly skilled grade-I, Highly Skilled grade-II and skilled grades have been circulated.
In order to effect savings and off-set the expenditure involved on account of implementation of the revised percentages of re-classification/ revised distribution ratios of skilled etc. categories, the Board have decided that the surrender of unskilled posts (in grade Rs.196-232) as indicated below should be effected and a compliance report sent to the Ministry of Railways within a reasonable time, not exceeding two months, from the date of issue of this letter.
Name of the Railway | No. of posts to be surrendered |
Central Rly. | 405 |
Eastern Rly. | 300 |
Northern Rly. | 300 |
N.E. Rly. | 180 |
N.F. Rly. | 120 |
Southern Rly. | 300 |
S.C. Rly. | 300 |
S.E. Rly. | 575 |
Western Rly. | 370 |
CLW | 75 |
DLW | 25 |
ICF | 50 |
Total | 3000 |
2. Further, from the figures furnished by the Railways and other Organizations in reply to this Ministry’s D.O. of even number dated 22.04.1985 (from K. Venkatesan, to Additional General Managers, etc.) Board have noticed that there is a back-log of more than 1500 posts yet to be surrendered by various Railways, etc. Board desire that the posts earmarked for surrender as intimated to this Ministry may please be surrendered quickly and a compliance report submitted to the Board early.