
RBE No.222/1985 Casual Labour – Screening Procedure

No.E(NG)II/84/CL/85, dated 31.01.1985

Sub: Filling in of Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) vacancies by empanelment of casual labour and substitutes – Extension of screening procedure.

1. Reference Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 27.12.1984 under which instructions were issued that subject to exceptions specified in the instructions issued in this regard from time to lime like compassionate appointments, recruitment in diesel/ electric loco sheds, recruitment in workshops, etc., all Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) vacancies as may become available up to the 30th June, 1985 should be filled in by the screening of casual labour/ substitutes.

2. The question of extension of the provisions of the aforesaid letter of 27.12.1984 for the filling in of Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) vacancies by the screening of casual labour/ substitutes, has been under consideration. The Ministry of Railways have now decided as under:

(i)    Subject to what is stated in sub-para (ii) below and with the exceptions referred to in the preceding paragraph, all Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) vacancies that may become available upto 30th June, 1987 will be filled by the screening and empanelment of casual labour and substitutes as per procedure obtaining at present.

(ii)    In the case of vacancies in the Electrical/ Mechanical and S&T Departments, Casual Labour and Substitutes will be eligible for absorption in regular employment only if they have the minimum educational qualification of ITI or they are course completed Act Apprentices. 


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