
RBE No. 26/2001: IREM – Amendment to Para 170 – ACS No. 114

No.E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/4, dated 07.02.2001

Sub: Selection to the category of Junior Cashier scale Rs.4000-6000.

1.     In terms of Para 170 of IREM, Vol-I, 1989, 15% of the posts in the category of Junior Cashier in the pay scale Rs.1200-2040 (RPS)/ Rs.4000-6000 ( RSRP) are to be filled by selection from amongst the Sr. Clerks in pay scale Rs.1200-2040 (RPS)/ Rs.4500-7000 (RSRP) and Clerks in pay scale Rs.950-1500 (RPS)/ Rs.3050-4590 (RSRP)  in Cash & Pay Department having a minimum service of three years.

2.     With the implementation of Vth Pay Commission recommendations vide Board’s letter No.PC-V/97/I/RSRP/1, dated 16.10.1997 (RBE No. 138/1997), Sr. Clerks in the IVth Pay Commission scale of pay Rs.1200-2040 have been allotted replacement scale of Rs.4500-7000, which is higher than the grade of Junior Cashier who are placed in the revised scale of pay of Rs.4000-6000.

2.1   In view of the above, the Ministry of Railways have reviewed the matter and decided that Senior Clerks will no longer be eligible to appear in the selection for promotion as Junior Cashier.

3. The Indian Railways Establishment Manual may also be amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No.114 enclosed.

This also disposes of SE Rly.’s letter No.K/47A/Selection Cashier/365, dated 24.05.1999.

Advance Correction Slip No.114


(1989 Edition)

Chapter I, Section–B, Sub-Section-III: Recruitment and Training

In para 170 substitute the following for the existing clause (i) of sub-para (I):

“(i) 15% by Selection from amongst Clerks in the pay scale of Rs.3050-4590 in the Cash and Pay Department having a minimum of three years of service, and”

[Authority: Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/98/PM9/1, dated 06.02.2001]

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.26/2001

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