
RBE No.27/1986 Honorarium – For Delivering Lectures

No.E(G)86 HO1-2, dated 17.02.1986

Sub: Grant of honorarium to outside (both Railway and non-Railway) lecturers for delivering lectures in Training/ Refresher courses for the Paramedical staff e.g. Nurses, Dressers etc. at Railway Hospitals.

1.     Instructions have already been issued vide the Board’s letter No.E(G)78 HO1-20, dated 29.09.1978 regarding grant of honorarium for delivering lectures in zonal Training Schools etc. where non-gazetted staff are trained or given Refresher Courses at the rates mentioned therein.

2.     One Railway has proposed that honorarium may also be paid to lecturers deputed by Institutions approved by the concerned State Government for delivering lectures in the Training/ Refresher courses organised by the Railway for its paramedical staff such as Nurses and Dressers etc. so as to keep them posted with the latest developments and modern techniques of nursing care. It has been decided that the above mentioned lecturers may also be paid honorarium at the rates for Guest Speakers mentioned in the Board’s letter of 29.09.1978 referred to above.

3.     It has further been decided that since, due to lack of accommodation in Zonal Training Schools and also for convenience, such courses may sometimes be arranged at places other than Zonal Training Schools, the provisions of the Board’s letter dated 29.09.1978 referred to above may also be extended to the lecturers delivering lectures at these places subject to the condition that the programme of lectures is duly approved personally by both the concerned Head of Department and FA&CAO.

4.     Other terms and conditions contained in the Board’s letter dated 29.09.1978 would remain un-altered.

5.     This has the sanction of President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Department of Railways, (Railway Board).


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