
RBE No. 30/2020: Conduct Rules – Amendment in Rule 13 – ACS No.139 & 140

No.E(D&A)2020 GS1-1, dated 06.03.2020

Sub: Amendment to sub-rule (3)(i) & (ii) of Rule 13 and sub-rule (4) of Rule 13 of Railway Service (Conduct) Rules, 1966.

In exercise of the powers conferred by the provision to Article 309 of Constitution, the President hereby directs that sub-rule (3)(i) & (ii) of Rule 13 and sub-rule (4) of Rule 13 of Railway Servant (Conduct) Rules, 1966 contained in Appendix I of the Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol-I, 1989 edition, 2019 (First Reprint Edition, 2009) may be amended as in Advance Correction Slip No. 139 & 140 enclosed.
Kindly acknowledge receipt.

Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol-I
(1989 edition, First Re-print Edition, 2009)
Advance Correction Slip No. 139

The following may be substituted as clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule (3) of Rule 13 of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 at Appendix-I of IREC-I:-

(3) In any other case, a railway servant shall not accept any gift without the sanction of the Government if the value exceeds:-

(i) Rupees five thousand in the case of railway servants holding any Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’ post;
(ii) Rupees two thousand in the case of railway servants holding any Group ‘C’ or Group ‘D’ post.

[Authority: Railway board’s letter No.E(D&A)2020 GS1-1, dated 06.03.2020 (RBE No. 30/2020) ACS No.139]

Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol-I
(1989 edition, First Re-print Edition, 2009)
Advance Correction Slip No. 140

The following may be substituted as sub-rule (4) of Rule 13 of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 at Appendix-I of IREC-I:-

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (2) and (3), a Government servant, being a member of the Indian delegation or otherwise, may receive and retain gifts from foreign dignitaries in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Acceptance or Retention of Gifts or Presentation) Rules, 2012, as amended from time to time, if the market value of gift received on one occasion does not exceed rupees one thousand. In all other cases, the acceptance and retention of such gifts shall be regulated by the instructions issued by the Government in this regard from time to time.

[Authority: Railway board’s letter No.E(D&A)2020 GS1-1, dated 06.03.2020 (RBE No. 30/2020) ACS No.140]

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.30/2020

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