RBE No.34/1986 Master Craftsme – Introduction in Artisan Category
No.PCIII/82/PS-3/10, dated 14.02.1986
Sub: Introduction of Master Craftsmen scale Rs.425-640 in Artisan Category.
1. Pursuant to the recommendations of the Third Pay Commission, contained in para 16, Chapter XIX, Vol.I, the Department of Railways have decided with the President’s approval, to introduce the category of Master Craftsmen in the artisan category in the scale Rs.425-640. The sanction of the Department for these posts will be subject to the following conditions:
(i) The posts of Master Craftsmen scale Rs.425-460 to the extent of 10% (Ten per cent) of the posts of Skilled Grade-I Rs.380-560 will be created by converting an equal number of posts of Skilled Grade-I Rs.380-560. The number of such posts shall not exceed 5% (Five per Cent) of the posts of Skilled Artisans Grade-I, Grade-II & Grade-III in the category of Electrical Signal Maintainers and 3% (Three per cent) of such posts in other artisan categories.
(ii) The posts of Master Craftsmen scale Rs.425-640 will be available for promotion to employees working in Skilled Grade-I Rs.380-560 who have completed ten years of continuous service in the same or allied trade in the Skilled Grades-I, II & III inclusive of a period of at least three years service in Skilled Grade-I Rs.380-560.
(iii) The scale of Rs.425-640 as Master Craftsmen will be personal to the incumbent. In other words, the post held by a Master Craftsman will revert to the scale of Skilled Grade-I Rs.380-560 with the retirement of/or otherwise vacation of the post by the individual incumbent.
(iv) The posts of Master Craftsmen will, in partial modification of the prescribed Trade Test procedure, be filled on the basis of suitability for the post being Specifically adjudged by a Departmental Committee consisting of three Officers of Whom two will be Technical Officers not lower than Senior Scale; a departure from this level of the Technical Officers constituting the Departmental Committee may be made on the personal orders of the Principal Head of Department concerned in cases where such level of Officers is not available and in such cases the Technical Officers may be in Junior Scale/Group ‘B’ (Class-II). The said Committee should keep before them the following criteria while determining the suitability of the candidates for promotion as Master Craftsmen in scale Rs.425-640:
(a) The standard of Craftsmanship will be judged on the basis of persistent attainment of a very high skill, covering both the quality of Craftsmanship and time for execution over a length of period rather than a single achievement.
(b) Work attributed to the person recommended for the job and designation of Master Craftsman shall be available to the extent possible, for inspection by the Members of the Departmental Committee.
(v) In case the requisite number of persons do not qualify for promotion as Master Craftsmen (in terms of (ii) & (iv) above, the posts of Master Craftsmen created in terms of (i) which can therefore, not be operated will be operated in Skilled Grade-I till such time as persons so qualify.
2. The employees who are duly selected and appointed to the post of Master Craftsman Rs.425-640 will have their, pay fixed in the higher scale under Rule 2018B (FR-22C) on proforma basis from 01.01.1984 and current payments from 01.01.1986. This provision of proforma fixation/ current payments will, however, apply only to the first incumbents of the specific posts sanctioned vide para (i) above. Further, even in such cases, the benefit will be given from 01.01.1984 (proforma) and 01.01.1986 (actuals) OR from the date from which he employee became eligible in terms of para 1(ii) above whichever is later.
3. After creation of posts of Master Craftsmen, the Railway Administrations should take appropriate action to ensure that the work of Master Craftsmen is supervised by Chargeman/ Technical Supervisor only in scale Rs.425-700 and above.
4. In partial amendment of the Board’s letter No.PCIII/73/WS/Incentive Bonus, dated 24.06.1978, the hourly rate of Incentive Bonus for Master Craftsmen who will be utilised in Workshops and Production Units under the Incentive Scheme, will be 195 paise (one hundred and ninety five paise). This will be payable only as and from the date of actual promotion and not from 01.01.1986 or 01.01.1984.
5. The existing rules and orders in regard to reservation for SC/ST will apply in this case also.
6. The basic functions, duties and responsibilities attached to the posts of Skilled Grade-I promoted as Master Craftsman will continue, to which may be added such other duties and responsibilities as are considered appropriate.
7. The Board desire that restructuring of posts and posting of staff after due process of adjudgement of suitability as provided in this order should be completed expeditiously.
8. The Railways will carefully assess the requirement of funds on account of this restructuring for the year 1986-87 and include them in the Budget Estimates for 1986-87 by telegraphic advice to Addl. Director, Finance (B). Railway Board.
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