RBE No.341/1985 Fixation of pay – Appointment from one Ex-cadre Post to Another Ex-cadre Post
No. E(P & A) 1I-85/PP-24 dated 31-12-1 85
Sub: Fixation of pay on appointment from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post.
1. Please refer to the extant rules on the above subject and Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-70/PP/22, dated 23.09.1971, read with Proviso to Rule 2018-B. RII.
2. These rules provide that in cases of appointment/ promotion from one ex-cadre post to another ex-cadre post where a railway servant opts to draw and pay in the scale of pay of the ex-cadre posts the pay in the second or subsequent ex-cadre should be fixed under the normal rules with reference to the pay in the cadre post only, but in respect of appointment to ex-cadre posts on time scales of pay identical to the time-scale of pay of ex-cadre posts held on an earlier occasion(s), the pay fixed in the subsequent ex-cadre post shall not be less than the pay (other than special pay, personal pay or other emoluments falling under Rule 2003(21)(a)(iii)-RII), drawn on the last occasion, and the period during which that pay was drawn on such last and any previous occasions would also be counted for increments.
3. The question of removing the anomaly arising in certain cases when a railway servant is appointed to a second or subsequent ex-cadre post in a scale of pay higher than that of a previous ex-cadre post and the pay fixed in the subsequent post, with reference to the pay in the cadre post, turns out to be less than the pay drawn in the earlier ex-cadre post in a lower scale of pay, has been engaging the attention of the Government.
4. The matter has been carefully considered and the President is pleased to decide that on appointment to a second or subsequent ex-cadre post in a higher pay scale than that of the previous ex-cadre post, the pay may be fixed with reference to the pay drawn in the cadre post and if the pay so fixed happens to be less than the pay drawn in the previous ex-cadre post, the difference may be allowed as personal pay to be absorbed in future increases in pay.
This is subject to the condition that on both the occasions the employee should have opted to draw pay in the scales of pay attached to the ex-cadre posts.
5. These orders take effect from 01.11.1985. In other words, the appointment to a second or subsequent ex-cadre post in a higher scale of pay should have been made on or after 01.11.1985. Cases which have already been settled prior to the issue of these orders need not be re-opened.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.341/1985