
RBE No. 42/1985 Cadre Review – Restructuring – Stenographers

No.PCIII/84/UPG/16, dated 02.02.1985

Sub: Cadre review and restructuring of Stenographers on Indian Railways.

1. The restructuring of cadre of Stenographers has been under consideration of the Ministry for sometime. The Ministry of Railways have decided with the approval of the President to restructure the cadre of Stenographers on the Zonal Railways and Production Units as detailed in the Annexure enclosed.
2. Staff selected and posted against the upgraded posts as a result of restructuring will have their pay fixed under Rule 2018-B (FR-22C) – RII w.e.f. 01.01.1984.
3. It has also been decided that 23 (twenty three) posts of Typist in scale Rs.260-400 should be surrendered on the Zonal Railways and Production Units as indicated in the Annexure.
4. The existing classification of the posts covered by these restructuring orders as “Selection” and “Non-selection”, as the case may be, remain unchanged. However, for the purpose of implementation of these orders if an individual Railway servant becomes due for promotion to only one grade above the grade of the post held by him, at present, on a regular basis, and such higher grade post is classified as “Selection” post, the existing selection procedure will stand modified in such a case to the extent that the selection will be based only on scrutiny of service records without holding any written and/or viva-voce test. Under this procedure the categorization ‘outstanding’ will not exist.
5. In case, however, as a result of these restructuring orders an individual Railway servant become due for promotion to a grade more than one grade above that of the post held by him at present on a regular basis the benefit of modified procedure of selection as aforesaid will be applicable only to the first such promotion (if that post happens to be a ‘Selection’ post) the second and subsequent promotions, if any, will be based only on the normal rules relating to filling in of ‘Selection’ or ‘Non-selection’ posts (as the case may be).
6. Vacancies existing as on 01.01.1984 and those arising on that date from this cadre restructuring should be filled in the following sequence:-

(i) From panels approved on or before 31.01.1985 and current on that date; and
(ii) Balance in the manner indicated in para 4 & 5 above.

7. The existing rules and orders in regard to reservation for SC/ST will continue to apply while filling up additional vacancies in the higher grades arising as a result of restructuring.
8. The Non-functional selection grade posts, if any, created in the categories covered by these orders should be adjusted against the upgraded posts. Any holders of Non-functional selection grades not so adjusted will continue to remain such grades as personal to them till the next review. Details of such cases should be reported to the Board by 31.07.1985.
9. In all the categories covered by this letter even though more posts and higher scales of pay have been introduced as a result of restructuring, the basic function duties and responsibilities, attached to these post at present will continue, to which may be added such other duties and responsibilities as considered appropriate.
10. The Board desire that restructuring and posting of staff after due process of selection should be completed expeditiously.
11. The Railways will carefully assess requirement of funds on account of this restructuring for the year 1985-86 and include them in the Revised Estimate for 1985-86 and Budget Estimate for 1986-87 by telegraphic advice to Addl. Director, Finance (B), Railway Board.


Railway No. of posts in scale Rs.550-750 to be upgraded to Rs.650-960 No. of posts in scale Rs.425-700 to be upgraded to Rs.550-750 No. of posts of Typists to be surrendered Remarks
Central 5 35 3 (a)  The distribution of posts in scale Rs.650-960 should be earmarked by the General Managers for important Principals/ Heads of Departments/ DRMs where the workload on the Stenographers’ is considered to be heavier.

(b)  The distribution of posts in scale Rs.550-750 should be done by the General Managers to be attached to important Junior Administrative Grade posts in Headquarters and Divisions of the Zonal Railways and Production Units.

Eastern 5 42 3
Northern 6 35 3
North Eastern 3 25 2
North East Frontier 3 15 1
Southern 5 35 3
South Central 5 21 2
South Eastern 5 42 3
Western 5 28 3
CLW 1 7
DLW 1 3
ICF 1 3


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