
RBE No.44/1986 Master Craftsman – Introduction in Artisan Category

No.PCIII/82/PS-3/10, dated 26.02.1986

Sub:   Introduction of Master Craftsman scale Rs.425-640 in Artisan category.


Reference Department of Railways letter of even number dated 14.02.1986 (RBE No.34/1986) on the above subject. Para 1(iii) of the letter may be substituted as under:


As existing As substituted
The scale of Rs.425-640 as Master Craftsmen will be personal to the incumbent. In other words, the post held by a Master Craftsman will revert to the scale of Skilled Gr.I Rs.380-560 with the retirement of/or otherwise vacation of the post by the individual incumbent. The scale of Rs.425-640 as Master Craftsmen will be personal to the incumbent. In other words, the post held by a Master Craftsman will revert to the scale of Skilled Gr.I Rs.380-560 with the retirement of/or otherwise vacation of the post by the individual incumbent till such time as it is filled up again as per procedure laid down in this paragraph.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.44/1986 

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