RBE No. 45/1985: D&A Rules –Stoppage of Passes and/or PTO – Expeditious Disposal of Appeal
No.E(D&A)84 RG6-31, dated 05.02.1985
Sub: Expeditious disposal of appeal against the penalty of a stoppage of passes and/or P.T.Os.
1. When a penalty under the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1968 is imposed, it takes effect from the date of issue/ service of the notice. The employee is given a period of 45 days to submit his appeal. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that in a number of cases the appeals are decided after a long interval of time. In such cases if the punishment is finally cancelled, the concerned employee would stand to lose in the case of imposition of stoppage of passes and PTOs, where the appeal is decided in favour of the employee after the expiry of the calendar year as he will not get back the passes/PTOs which were stopped.
2. The Railway Board have considered the above matter and desire to emphasize that appeals against punishment should be expeditiously disposed of, so that no grievance in this score may be felt by the affected employees. Particularly, in the case of Stoppage of passes/PTOs, it should be ensured by the appellate authority that decision on the appeal is taken as far as possible, within the same calendar year.