RBE No. 52/1985 RRB – Question Papers – Payment
No.E(NG)II/84/RSC/125, dated 22.02.1985
Sub: Procedure of payment for printing of question paper etc.
1. It has been brought to the notice of the Board by the Chairman, Railway Recruitment Boards, that difficulties are being experienced in making payment for printing and setting of question papers as the names of the press and the persons connected with the RRB work are to be kept secret.
2. The Ministry of Railways have carefully considered the matter and they have decided to authorize Chairman to draw the required amount in cash from the concerned Accounts Office/ Chief Cashier after giving a certificate that the amount is required in connection with examination purposes for which funds are available and relevant bills with the receipts thereof would be available with the Chairman for inspection. The Accounts Officer will clear the advance on the basis of the Chairman’s certificate and once in 3 months or more frequently if necessary, an Accounts Officer from the Accounts Office may go to Chairman, RRBs office to audit the vouchers.
3. The amount so advanced to Chairman, Railway Recruitment Board will initially be booked under a Suspense head viz. Misc. Advance (Revenue) to be operated as item III(D) under III-other charges to Annexure ‘C’ – expenditure on miscellaneous Establishment – Railway Recruitment Board to Demand No.2 and will be cleared in the manner is stated in par 2 above by providing for credit & accounts under Suspense by debit to the respective service head item III(b) – contingencies.
4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
5. The above procedure will come into force from 01.04.1985 and necessary budget provision may be made accordingly.