
RBE No. 71/1999: Additional Pay Scales – Introduction

No.PC-V/97/I/11/12, dated 08.04.1999


Sub: Introduction of additional pay scales in the category of Physiotherapists, Extension Educators and Health Inspectors – Recommendations of V CPC.

1. The issue of introduction of additional pay scales for the staff working in the above mentioned categories in pursuance of the recommendations of the V CPC has been under consideration of the Board.

2. In terms of the Pay Commission’s recommendations, introduction of additional pay scales on the lines suggested by them was to be considered on functional considerations.

The matter has been considered and the Ministry of Railways with the approval of the President, have decided to introduce additional pay scales in these categories as indicated in the Annexure to this letter. While, implementing these orders the following detailed instructions should be strictly and carefully adhered to:

Number of Posts:

(a)The number of posts to be operated in the additional grade being introduced will be as indicated in the Annexure.

Date of effect:

(b)The recruitment rules and other conditions including date of effect for the additional pay scales falling in Gazetted Group ‘B’ classification will be notified separately. In respect of additional Group ‘C’ pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 in the category of Extension Educator, existing staff who are placed in the higher grade as a result of implementation of these orders will draw pay in the said higher grade with effect from the date of issue of these orders.

Applicability of various Cadres:

(c) (i) These orders will be applicable to regular cadres on Open line Establishments including Workshops and Production Units and will include posts of rest givers and leave reserves.

(ii) These orders will not be applicable to ex-cadre and work charged posts which will continue to be based on worth of charge.

Pay Fixation:

(d) Fixation of pay of staff in the Extension Educator’ cadre presently working in the grade Rs.5000-8000 on their placement in the grade Rs.5500-9000 will be done in accordance with the instructions contained in Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/89/FOP/2, dated 07.06.1989.

Basic functions, duties and responsibilities:

(e) Since the posts are being created on functional considerations, such posts should be pinpointed and should include duties of higher importance. The benefit will become admissible only to the duly selected staff, and that too after they moved to the pinpointed posts.

Specific instructions given in the footnotes in the Annexure:

(f) While implementing these orders, specific instructions given as footnote, if any, against any category in the enclosed Annexure should be strictly and carefully adhered to.

Provision of Reservation:

(g) The existing instructions with regard to reservation of SC/ST will continue to apply while filling up posts in the new grades.

Kindly acknowledge receipt Hindi version is enclosed.


Department: Medical
Category: Health and Malaria Inspector
Designation Pay scale Rs. Remarks No. of post to be created
Assistant Health Officer 7500-12000 New scale ** 43* posts (All Railways put together)
*(i) The posts will be created by up-gradation of equivalent number of Group ‘C’ posts in the grade Rs.7450-11500.

(ii)  Railway wise distribution of 43 posts will be as under:

  1. For divisional hospitals etc:-

Central Railway-4, Eastern Railway-4, Northern Railway-5, North Eastern Railway-NIL, North Eastern Frontier-NIL, Southern Railway-1, South Central Railway-3, South Eastern Railway-5, Western Railway-3. Total 25 posts

  1. One post each for Zonal Headquarters and Zonal Hospitals of each Railway. Total: 18 posts

Note: Production Units will be clubbed with contiguous Zones.

** Recruitment rules and other conditions for this scale are being issued separately.

Category: Physiotherapist
Designation Pay scale Rs. Remarks No. of post to be created
Assistant Physiotherapy Officer 7500-12000 New scale** 7* posts (All Railways put together)
* (i) The Group ‘B’ cadre will be centrally administered by the Health Directorate of Railway Board and the posts in Group ‘B’ will accordingly be kept floating.

(ii) The posts in Group ‘B’ will be created by up-gradation of equivalent number of Group ‘C’ posts in the grade Rs.6500-10500.

** Recruitment rules and other conditions for this scale are being issued separately.

Category: Extension Educator
Designation Existing scale Rs. Revised scale Rs. No. of post to be created
Extension Educator 5000-8000 5500-9000@ Existing posts in grade Rs.5000-8000 will be operated in this grade.
District Extension Educator/

Statistical Assistant

6500-10500 6500-10500 No change
Assistant Health Education Officer 7500-12000

New scale**

One post in each Zonal Railway (excluding new zones). Posts will be created by up-grading an equivalent number of posts in Rs.6500-10500.
** Recruitment rules and other conditions for this scale, including date of effect, are being issued separately.

@ (i) After the posts becoming available immediately in the higher grade of Rs.5500-9000 are filled up by the existing incumbent in Rs.5000-8000, for vacancies arising in future, direct recruitment with qualification of Post Graduation in Sociology/ Social Work/ Community Education or allied subjects with similar course contents or Graduation in one of the above disciplines with two years diploma in Health Education from a recognized University will take place to the extent of 50%.

(ii) LDCE with qualifications as for direct recruitment – 25%.

(iii) Seniority cum Suitability from amongst Compilation Clerk – 25%.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 71/1999

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