
RBE No. 77/1985: D&A Rule – Disciplinary Cases – Expeditious Disposal

No.E(D&A)85 RG6-10, dated 12.03.1985

Sub: Expeditious disposal of the pending disciplinary cases on the Railways.

A copy of Secretary, Department of Personnel & Administration Reforms’ DO No.14017/13/85-Estt.(RR), dated 18.02.1985 is enclosed. Instructions have been issued from time to time to keep a watch on the expeditious handling of vigilance/ disciplinary cases to ensure that reservation orders are properly complied with and for timely finalization of pension cases. As suggested by DOP&AR, instructions may be issued for periodic meeting to be held preferably every month at the headquarters and divisional level for reviewing the position with regard to these items and for initiating suitable action to minimize delay.

Copy of secretary Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms’

DO No. No.14017/13/85-Estt.(RR), dated 18.02.1985 addressed to CRB

1. As you are aware that for the smooth and efficient functioning of the Government machinery at all levels, conditions of service of the employees, among other things play an important role. It is, therefore, imperative that the moral of the employees is kept up and all efforts are made by the Government to improve their service conditions. This Department has, from time to time, issued instructions and guidelines on various subjects concerning conditions of service of the employees for taking timely action, wherever considered necessary, in consultation with DP&AR, some of the areas where undue delay have come to the notice of this Department are mentioned below:-
(e) disposal of vigilance/ disciplinary cases;
(f) estimation of vacancies and application of reservation orders as prescribed for certain classes of citizens;
(g) finalization of pension cases;
2. It is, therefore, requested that Secretary/ Head of the Department may hold periodical, preferable monthly meetings with the Establishment Officers to review the pending cases and take suitable action to minimize delay and quick disposal of the cases.

Download Railway Board Circular RBE No. 77/1985

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