
Restructuring: RBE No.135/1987 – Running Staff – Fixation of Pay

No.PCIII/86/JCM/DC/11, dated 04.06.1987

Sub: Cadre Restructuring of Running Staff – Anomaly in fixation of pay in restructuring.

1. Reference this Ministry’s letter No.PCIII/84/UPG/19, dated 25.06.1985 (RBE No.181/1985) relating to restructuring of Running Staff and other categories.

The Staff Side in the Departmental Council/ JCM had pointed out certain anomalies in fixation of pay of Drivers who were getting fixation at a lower stage in the scale of Driver Grade ‘B’ Rs.425-640 consequent to promotion under the restructuring orders. The position is illustrated in the example given below:-

Driver Gr. ‘C’ in scale Rs.330-560 was promoted as Driver Gr. ‘G’ Selection Grade (non-functional) Rs.425-600 and his pay fixed from Rs.488 to Rs.500 per month on 17.05.1985.

He was further promoted as Driver Gr. ‘B’ in scale Rs.425-640 and his pay fixed at Rs. 530. This fixation underwent revision consequent to restructuring of the cadre w.e.f. 01.01.1984. The promotion from Driver Gr. ‘C’ in scale Rs.330-560 to Driver Gr. ‘B’ in scale Rs.425-640 was made w.e.f. 01.01.1984 and his pay revised from Rs.476 in the lower scale to Rs.500 in the higher scale w.e.f. 01.01.1984 assuming that the employee opts for fixation under FR-22C w.e.f. 01.01.1984 in terms of Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-81/PP-4, dated 13.11.1981.

By drawing increments, the pay was fixed at Rs.515 as on 01.01.1985 and Rs.530 as on 01.01.1986 whereas he was already drawing Rs.530 from 17.05.1985.

2. The Ministry of Railways have decided that in such cases where there is drop in pay due to re-fixation on the basis of orders of restructuring of Running Staff vide letter dated 25.06.1985 (RBE No.181/1985), the pay of the employees may be protected as ‘Personal Pay’ to be absorbed in future increases of pay occurring  after 25.06.1985 while fixing their pay in the functional grade of Rs.425-640.


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