Restructuring: RBE No.247/1985 – Pharmacists
No.PCIII/85/UPG/18, dated 28.08.1985
Sub: Restructuring of the cadre of Pharmacists.
1. Reference item No.10.5 of the Annexure to Board’s letter No.PCIII/84/UPG/9, dated 16.11.1984 under which the category of Pharmacists has been restructured in the following grades:
Designation | Scale of pay (Rs.) | Revised % age |
Pharmacists | 330-560 | 40 |
455-700 | 40 | |
550-750 | 20 |
* The higher grade posts may be located on the basis of worth of charge.
2. The scale Rs.425-640 existing in this cadre has not been covered under the Board’s Restructuring orders of 16.11.1984 referred to above. In this connection, attention is drawn to Board’s letter No.PCIII/78/JCM/DC/6, dated 26.11.1979 under which the promotional grade of Rs.425-640 has been converted into a non-functional selection grade and the staff who did not fulfill the prescribed conditions for being placed in the selection grade posts have been allowed to continue in the selection grade of Rs.425-640. As such, consequent on restructuring of the cadre of Pharmacists w.e.f. 01.01.1984, the post in the grade of Rs.425-640 stand automatically regulated under para 7 of the Board’s letter of 16.11.1984.
(This disposes of N.F. Railway’s letter No.E/205/i(Med)Pt.I, dated 29.03.1985)