Transfer: RBE No.171/2003 – To Headquarter Offices of New Zonal Railways
No.E(NG)I/96/TR/36 Vol.IV, dated 29.09.2003
Sub: Transfer/ Posting of staff for working in the Headquarters Offices of new Zonal Railways – Closure of Cadres.
Reference this Ministry’s letters of even number dated 09.07.2002 (RBE No.100/2002), 19.07.2002 (RBE No.117/2002), 11.10.2002 (RBE No.187/2002 & 188/2002), 10.02.2003 (RBE No.30/2003), 26.03.2003 (RBE No.50/2003) and 04.07.2003 (RBE No.118/2003) on the above subject.
The proposal received from new Zonal Railways for extending the date of closure of cadres in their Headquarter Offices beyond 30.09.2003 has been considered by the Ministry of Railways. In view of the fact that a number of staff have yet to join the headquarter offices of new Zones, it has been decided to further extend the date of closure of cadres in the headquarter offices of all the 7 new Zonal Railways by another one month upto 31.10.2003. Accordingly, any transfer to the Headquarter Offices of these Railways on or after 01.11.2003 will be treated as transfer on request on bottom seniority in recruitment grades subject to usual conditions governing such transfer being fulfilled.