
Transfer: RBE No.30/2003 – To Headquarters Offices of New Zonal Railways

No.E(NG)I/96/TR/36, Vol.III, dated 10.02.2003

Sub: Transfer/ posting of staff for working in the Headquarters Offices of New Zonal Railways.

1. Reference General Managers North Western Railway’s D.O. letter No.E/HQ/740/1, Vol.I, dated 07.01.2003, East Central Railway’s D.O. letter No.ECR/HRD/NZP/41, dated 21.01.2003 and CPO, South Eastern Railway’s D.O. letter No.P/H-5/NZR/ECR, dated 08.01.2003 on the above subject.

2. The proposal for extending the date of closure of cadres in the Headquarter Offices of E.C. Railway and N.W. Railway beyond 31.12.2002 has been considered by the Ministry of Railways. It has been decided to extend the date of closure of cadres of E.C. Railway, Hajipur and N.W. Railway, Jaipur by another 3 months upto 31.03.2003. Accordingly, any transfer to the Headquarter Offices of these two Railways on or after 01.04.2003 will be treated as transfer on request on bottom seniority in recruitment grades subject to usual conditions governing such transfers being fulfilled.

2.1   Both, E.C. Railway and N.W. Railway should note that this will be the last extension and they should ensure that there is no slackness in sorting out the issue with the Railways concerned so that transfer of staff is completed latest by 31.03.2003.


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