USFD: RBE No.177/2000 – Technical Supervisors USFD Wing
No.E(NG)I-2000/PM5/14, dated 11.10.2000
Sub: Filling up of the posts of Technician Supervisors in USFD Wing in the Civil Engg.
In para 3.1(a) of the guidelines for controlling rail fractures circulated along with the then Member Engineering, Railway Board’s DO letter No.89/CL/II/PRA/65, dated 03.08.1990, it was, inter-alia stipulated that all posts of PWIs/ USFD (since re-designated as JE-Gr.II/ JE-Gr.I/ Section Engineer/ Sr. Section Engineer/ USFD) should be operated as ex-cadre posts. The information collected from some of the Railways has revealed that the present practice on different Railways in this respect is not uniform.
The matter has been considered by the Board and it has been decided that the posts being operated in USFD Wing may be operated as ex-cadre posts.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.177/2000